Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fingerprint frame

My friend Michelle gave me this great Better Homes and Garden's craft book for kids for my birthday. I have been wanting to make some things out of it for awhile, but I just got around to it today. This was super easy. You just get a mat out of any frame. Dip your child's finger in the paint and make little bugs out of them. This picture is kind of dark and kind of hard to see. Lindsay's thumb prints are red and we made them into Lady bugs. I just drew dots and antennae. Then for Landon I used his pointer finger in green paint and made four little dots in a row. I drew a smiley face and antennae and made caterpillars. They turned out pretty cute. Now I just need to find a cute picture of the two of them to put in my new frame.


Spendlove said...

Tara, that is really cute.